Dunbar 80

Dunbar 80

Excellent Home Site Potential with 50 acres productive cropland and bonus recreational potential.

Legal Description:  S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 32 South, Range 5 East, Cowley County, Kansas

Direction to Property:  Approximately 3 miles east of Winfield, KS on Hwy 160 to 131st Road, then, 2 miles north on 131st road to the SW corner of the property.

Acreage Information:  50 acres of cropland and approximately 30 acres of timber/pasture.  Fully accessible along west edge of property with county road and south edge of property with low maintenance county road.

FSA Data:  Farmland 77.57 acres.  Wheat Base Acres 37.51 with 30 bu/ac PLC yield, Oat Base Acres 1.6 with 45 bu/ac PLC yield.

Mineral Information:  All seller owned minerals will convey to buyer.  Minerals are believed to be intact.

2022 Taxes:  $573.  2023 taxes will be prorated to day of closing.



Kansas 67156
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Dunbar 80
Lot 1: Dunbar 80
Winning Bidder:2****E
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