Patten 80

Fantastic property providing recreational and income opportunities!
Excellent Deer Hunting! Productive Farmland!
Legal Description: S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Section 25, Township 28 North, Range 1 West, Kay Co., OK.
Direction to Property: From Hwys 177 & 11 on the east side of Blackwell, OK; go 2 miles east on Hwy 11 to P Street, then, 4 miles north on P Street to the southeast corner of the property. NW corner of P Street and Dry Road intersection.
Acreage Information: Approximately 80 total acres with 44.69 cropland acres and 33.98 timber and grass acres.
FSA Data: 78.67 crop farmland acres/44.69 cropland acres/33.98 pasture acres. Wheat base 44.69 acres with PLC yield of 38 bushels.
Mineral Information: Seller will retain all owned minerals.
Real Estate Taxes: 2023 real estate taxes were $257. 2024 real estate taxes will be prorated to day of closing.